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'Gale Ale' recipe?


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A favourite beer for my friends and I to drink is what we call a Gale - a beer started by a bar manager at the Worldsend Hotel in Adelaide. Its a pint of half James Squire Golden Ale and Half Coopers Pale. I was thinking of making a clone of this, but I'm a complete noob with this kind of thing.


What I was thinking is a toucan recipe -

1 can light malt extract

1 can amber malt extract

300 dex

POR hops for bittering

and Amarillo hops for flavour/aroma.


How does this sound? Am I off my rocker or would it work?

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A bit hard to say how it would be when the recipe is not complete and the chances are nobody has tried a beer called Gale.


I often run leftovers into the one keg and sometimes turn out a cracker of a beer but that could range to having any brew in there.


Some helpful information would be:....


How much hops are you using and how long are you going to boil them?

Are you filling the FV to 23L?

What yeast are you using?


As it looks right now, I don't think this will be very close to a "Gale".

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Hi Bill!


Yep it would be 23L, I'd probably use re-cultured Coopers yeast.


As for hop boiling.. no idea. Very new to hop boiling. Maybe a 5L boil, with an as yet undetermined amount of POR @30 mins, and Amarillo at 20 and 10 mins.


Might give it a crack anyway... whats the worst that could happen?

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Might give it a crack anyway... whats the worst that could happen?

Thats the spirit!


Although I am not sure you will get the same beer by trying to brew it all together. You may have to make two separate beers and mix them together.


You'll know once you make it.


Good luck.

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To give an idea what to expect using:

20g POR @ 40 min

20g Amarillo @ 20 min

10g Amarillo @ 10 min


IBU = 31.3

OG about 1.045

FG about 1.010

ABV 5.2% bottle (4.7% kegs)


Very close to an APA style.


I never said it would be a bad drop, I only commented that it wouldn't be the same as what you intended.

I actually reckon it maybe pretty good myself.

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