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Irish Stout + Wheat DME?


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So I want to mix up my new Irish Stout can, but all I have laying around for fermentables are 3 lbs of Wheat DME (55/45 wheat to barley ratio).


Any input on whether that is a good or a bad idea from a taste perspective? I feel like it might throw a haze and maybe alter the head characteristics, but I am not sure how wheat dme differs from barley dme in flavor when all other things are equal.

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I reckon it would be good. There are commercial Wheat Stouts out there.


Wheat tends to be a little hazy but it probably wouldn't matter much in a dark beer.


And wheat would probably help create a nice head.

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Well it's in the carboy now, no turning back. Had to top it to 5 US gallons due to being out of larger fementers (Coopers really needs to sell the DIY fementer a la carte), so the OG came out to 1.050--gonna have a nice little kick to it.


Thanks for the input, really appreciate it.




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This started blowing krausen out of the airlock so I installed a blow-off tube and it's still going crazy. I wouldn't have this problem if I had several extra DIY-style fermenters. Just sayin, Coopers. Just sayin.

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