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Vendell Veizen


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Hi all.


I would like to make a similar beer to the Vendell Veizen featured on BrewingTV

Vendell Veizen


Can anyone point me in the right direction to a recipe I could make using ingredients easily found in Australia?


I have very limited brew experience, so the more detail the better [biggrin]

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I am not sure how close to the style this is but if you want something really easy you could try:


Coopers Wheat Kit

Coopers Dark Liquid Malt extract


And perhaps a 10 minute boil of the hops.


Drop the volume to around 19 litres to increase the starting gravity.


Use an ale yeast, as per recipe in OP, like US-05.

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I am not sure how close to the style this is but if you want something really easy you could try:


Coopers Wheat Kit

Coopers Dark Liquid Malt extract


And perhaps a 10 minute boil of the hops.


Drop the volume to around 19 litres to increase the starting gravity.


Use an ale yeast, as per recipe in OP, like US-05.



You will want to do a longer boil than 10 minutes. The recipe calls for Saaz hops, but doesnt say what it is bittered too. I would go in the range of 20 - 35 IBU. I find Saaz a bit harsh when bittered too high though, so another noble hop may be better.


The recipe in the OP seems fairly easy, but if you want to use coopers products use:


1.5kg Wheat LME

1.5kg Light LME

50g Chocolate malt (steeped for ~20 minutes)


Hops, use:


28g Saaz @ 60 mintues (or another noble hop)

14g Mt Hood (or another flavour hop) @ 10 minutes.


US-05 yeast fermented low ~16 - 18 degrees.




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BillO I see it asks for Munich malts, you could see if your home brew store stocks BRIESS CBW MUNICH malt extract liquid. I just brought a 1.5kg tub of it at Brewmart in Perth for $13.95.....same price as Coopers and it came all the way from the USA. This company has a better range of base malt extracts than Coopers dose....maybe they need to add some new stuff to their range? As for the hop additions I guess the first one is for a 60min boil and the second one is ...well It's up to you 5-10-15-0 minutes. Have a play with the flavor/aroma times.

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