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franziskaner hefe weissbier


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I assume you are talking about Fraziskaner Dunkel Hefe-Wei\xdfbier. [joyful]


I think the Dark Ale kit will be too bitter for this brew, and you also want at least 50% wheat malt for an accurate representation of the style. I'm not sure of a suitable kit recipe, but I think a full extract recipe might be the way to go on this one.


Awesome choice of beer to try and clone by the way! [biggrin]

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Sweet,thick and heavy yum.

Sounds like how I would describe myself on an internet dating service!


Sorry can't help with the beer, but maybe a dark liquid malt can rather than the dark hopped kit, if it is too bitter?

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  • 4 years later...

Massive bump, but I've tried this tonight and it's absolutely beautiful. Banana/blueberry, raspberry, clove. I would love to try and brew something like this.


Would the new wheat cans with a darker malt and coopers CCA yeast get anywhere near it?


I'm guessing you would need to use a wheat yeast, I was more thinking of a way to get the strong banana esters through the beer.

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I assume you are talking about Fraziskaner Dunkel Hefe-Wei\xdfbier. [joyful]


I think the Dark Ale kit will be too bitter for this brew' date=' and you also want at least 50% wheat malt for an accurate representation of the style. I'm not sure of a suitable kit recipe, but I think a full extract recipe might be the way to go on this one.


Awesome choice of beer to try and clone by the way! [biggrin']


+1 what Biermoasta said. Not only would the Dark Ale kit be way too bitter, it would be too roasty. I would use the Coopers Wheat kit as your base and add wheat DME or LME extract to it. With Dunkel Wiezen the colour usually comes from 60gm or so of a debittered malt like Weyermann Carafa Special 2. You say it is sweet? Add some light crystal malt as well. I did a little reading and it seems Wyeast 3638 is thought to be the closest to the Franziskaner, but you could always try the kit yeast your first time around since the new wheat kit comes a true wheat yeast (the old one did not). Not sure which version of the kit you have?

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