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Get a load of this will you:




Our users have posted a total of 4173 articles


We have 29196 registered users


Most users ever online was 10 on 19 Feb 2004 13:26




In over 2\xbd years, of the just over 29,000 registerd users (possibly even less at the time), we can only manage a paltry 10 users online at any one time !?!?! (I'm beginning to wonder what earth shattering event was due to occur on that date that got everyone so fired up at the same time).




OK, I know there are more important things to be done, such as:




1. Watching your brew ferment, or at least the airlock bubbling away for hours on end.


2. Washing bottles, then bottling your brew.


3. Kicking back and watching your new batch in secondary fermentation.


4. Cracking the top off your matured brew whilst watching Desperate Housewives.


5. Alternately, doing 4. with your bottle bought Coopers.




But come on guys (and gals) - it's YOUR Forum, make the most of it.




/me steps off the soap box.....

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There are numerous long term members who only view the forum but don't post. "You can lead a horse to water..."




As with many forums, there is a core group of regulars, newbies who post many times, initially, then disappear, a number who post rarely and lurkers. I see some of our members drift off to other open forums - as you may realise we keep an eye on how our company and our products are perceived on open forums.




At this stage we are not prepared to open this forum to the public - members only. So, as you quite rightly point out Philby, it is up to the members to make the forum more dynamic.




Feel free to post if you have an idea that might increase forum participation.

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Yeah, I have mixed feelings on all this, I too use another forum, it is often useful but I find a lot more cra... rubbish gets on there too, there are a lot of people with an agenda seem to utilize it. You get people airing their opinions on everything from the sex life of an left handed snail, to the workings of hourglass in outer space, and other topics equally as interesting and informative. Though we seem to have less activity here we also have less useless information. However, a little more freindly banter would not go astray from time to time!


Just my opinion...................and I'm stickin' to it!

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A lot of users on the Open Forums seem to consider themselves experts. If you're bored, post a contrary opinion and call 'Game On!'




I guess that this forum would scare them off because it has access to genuine brewing experts.




Or am I perhaps being a little too cynical?







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G'day all, well I suppose I've been prompted to say g'day and throw my two cents in. Been lurking around taking in the comments and trying to learn from everyones experiences.




personally I think homebrewers are different from ya normal mug punter in that they'll only say something when they've thought about it and only if it needs saying




By the way I just bottled my first batch of lager and the babies all seem healthy. Geez this is a bloody addictive sport. the next batch will go down tomorrow with the 3rd and 4th already planned ( shut up luv you bought me the kit !! )

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Welcome to our forum Woody.




Ross and GregB - you both make good points. Our forum has a different personality to open forums.




Oliver - the numbers would be similar for most open Home Brewing forums, yeah? That is, they all have a core group of people who contribute regularly.




The bonus we have here is that, generally, we can give a definitive answer to a question. I suppose the negative side is that this tends to limit discussion on topics. There are instances where I have not jumped in early on a thread with the hope that others post replies. In some cases though, if I don't reply promptly, people may feel that we are ignoring them.




One of the more active topics has been the Russian Imperial Stout thread (due to taste this again at the end of August). Maybe I or others need to start more posts like the RIS??

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The russian imperial stout thread was sweet because it perked everyone's interest in:


(a) playing around with super-heavy beer with high alcohol content (and the whole 'moonshine' stigma that surrounds home made alcoholic products.


(b) non-standard use of standard off-the-shelf cooper's products


© the pictures that were there to go with it all


(d) the technical banter about how it all happened.




One way to attract more people to post in here would be to offer some kind of 'post of the month' prize for the best question/best answer/best joke or something like that. If everyone who posts in here is perceived as an expert, then I can understand why more 'timid' lurkers who don't normally post on these forum things may be somewhat apprehensive about doing so. What they don't realise, is that no question is too stupid, and that no stuff up is too large that we can't all have a giggle over it, chat about how to correct it so that it doesn't happen again, etc.




While the Newsletters are great, this is really the only way of having a constant dialogue between Coopers and its fans and brewers. Paul, you're the only one on here posting regularly - I think Frank, Nessy, and Claire post (or posted) here a few times but that was mainly for answering specific questions. Maybe you could encourage some of the other troops there to get on and get involved in the banter aswell..?








PS. Oliver - what are the stats on people with over 100 posts? ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I'll drink to all of that - thanks for "coming out" guys.




Can you believe I tried my first Mild Ale only two weeks ago. I still love my Pale Ale, but now I have a slightly less formidable sweeter alternative if things need to be done after drinking a few.

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