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What your style of beer says about you....

Muddy Waters

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Hey Hairy,


You a fruit, eh? [lol] [lol] [lol]


I just had a similar experience today. My boys (12 and 14) love helping and they like to take the SG readings, and in the process I let them taste the brew in the hydrometer and pass judgement on the flavours, colour, bitterness from the hops, mouth fullness (from malt) etc. I'm trying to get them to appreciate the qualities of different beers, rather than than it just becoming something to binge on in a few years.


We put a batch (Canadian, LDM, Brewing sugar and Amarillo) in the chiller today to crash it before bottling and the elder one insisted he should be allowed to name it and design some labels. "No problem", I said. "What are going to call it?"


"Mardi Gras" he answered.


"Huh? Why Mardi Gras?" I asked.


"Oh dad, really! It's so full of fruits".


Kids these days are such smart asses.

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You've made my day Mud. [happy]


So how are things? What's in your kegs ATM?


I've got a fine AIPA...a big SN Torpedoish beer on standby for chrissy maturing nicely in the keg alongside a pale ale ...a kinda LCPAish affair. An american Brown Ale is CCing in the brew fridge almost ready for legging.


....and a halfa pale ale mini batch in the mini keg as backup stock. I'm on the wagon (again!) for a few more weeks which should mean that this christmas will be one to forget...but in a good way [biggrin]


It seems like I have multiple personality disorder. [crying] [lol] [bandit] [love] [devil] [alien] [happy]


so do we[unsure]


You're never alone when you're a schizo [w00t]


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Is that where they get it from...or the only good use for the finished product?? [cool]

The pipe at the bottom of the urinal is connected to the beer taps at the bar behind it [biggrin]



We say Budweiser is like having sex in a canoe









It is near water

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