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Which is the most suitable Malt Extract?


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Way back in Apr 2007, Dr Smurto posted the following recipe for a beer similar to the James Squire Golden Ale.


1 tin Thomas Coopers Sparkling Ale

1.5kg Coopers pale liquid malt extract

15g @ 15mins

15g @ 5 mins

15g dry hopped in secondary

Kit yeast


It caught my eye because it looks like a simple recipe for my first experiment in using added hops. I'm guessing its's because it was 6 years ago that the liquid malt extract names may have changed. In the Thomas Cooper range there is a Light and an Amber Malt Extract.


Which of these would be more suitable for that style of beer?



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  • 3 weeks later...
Everything went well?

Yes, your highness. And surprisingly easy for a firt attempt using hops even for a novice.


With all the hand-holding assistance available here, I grabbed one of the 19 litre pots ($19) when I was at Big W yesterday. It was mentioned in another current thread here, and minor success seems to lead to further experimentation.


There's also a guy in Newcastle who is starting another round of courses soon on doing all grain brewing (Mark, I think). It might be a little early for me, but I'll look into it.


Thanks again.

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