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Brew Day What Did You Make - 2024

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11 minutes ago, Aussiekraut said:

Centennial Pale Ale. I used the “HoppyDays Supervlend by Voyager Malts, just a little Caramunich II for colour and a smidge of because I can. Single hop is, who’d have guessed, Centennial. I need to use up hops I only have to have them when needed. Should be an interesting beer.





The sugars in this one will be eaten by US-05. Pre-boil SG was just one point over and so was OG. 

@Aussiekraut by mashing in at 65c are you hoping for a higher ABV?

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17 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

@Aussiekraut by mashing in at 65c are you hoping for a higher ABV?

It'll come in at about 4.9, so not that high. I just wanted something light and easy to drink. The CaraMunich II will add a little body anyway and the Chit malt in the blend will help in that department too. So it should be quite rounded. 

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2 hours ago, Aussiekraut said:

Centennial Pale Ale. I used the “Hoppy Days Superblend" by Voyager Malts, just a little Caramunich II for colour and a smidge of because I can. Single hop is, who’d have guessed, Centennial.

I like doing beers like this.  It helps give you an idea of what to expect from specific hops.

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BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Cluster Lager
Recipe Specifications

Batch Size (fermenter): 20.00 L   
Estimated OG: 1.060 SG
Estimated Color: 10.7 EBC
Estimated IBU: 31.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
5.00 kg          Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC)       Grain         1          90.9 %        3.26 L        
0.50 kg          Carapils (Briess) (3.0 EBC)                      Grain         2          9.1 %         0.33 L        
35.00 g          Cluster [7.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min                 Hop           3          31.4 IBUs     -             
1.0 pkg          Californian Lager (Mangrove Jack's  #M54)        Yeast         4          -             -             

Mash Schedule: Robobrew Mash and Sparge Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 5.50 kg

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3 hours ago, ben 10 said:
BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Cluster Lager
Recipe Specifications

Batch Size (fermenter): 20.00 L   
Estimated OG: 1.060 SG
Estimated Color: 10.7 EBC
Estimated IBU: 31.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
5.00 kg          Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC)       Grain         1          90.9 %        3.26 L        
0.50 kg          Carapils (Briess) (3.0 EBC)                      Grain         2          9.1 %         0.33 L        
35.00 g          Cluster [7.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min                 Hop           3          31.4 IBUs     -             
1.0 pkg          Californian Lager (Mangrove Jack's  #M54)        Yeast         4          -             -             

Mash Schedule: Robobrew Mash and Sparge Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 5.50 kg


No BS, straight to the point. Love it. 

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Posted (edited)

Brew day today, first one for a while as I just did not have enough MT kegs to keg up the 44 L of @Pezzza 's Philly Lager (his spelling) so it's been cold crashed now for three weeks or more waiting and the sample taken today is so clear.  But it will be kegged tomorrow so I needed to have a couple of cubes of lager ready to drop onto the Dubbya trub in the 58 L SS Kegmenter so hence this brew.  I have 13 Kegs and they are nearly always occupied, so might buy another 2 in coming weeks.  I want to do a 44 L batch of my COPA and have already done the starter ready, but no MT kegs is the problem.

Batch # 117 AG # 74 - It's a Premium Lager of 44 L using some left over grains and wholly using Summer hops for bittering at 60" and aroma at 15 " as I have a large bag of these hops to use up.  My Simply Summer Pilsner brewed last year was a nice beer, so this batch is a slight variation on that one.

 Predicted specs: IBU = 32, EBC = 6, ABV = 4.5 %,  BU:GU = 0.77

Brewhouse efficiency predicted 81.3 % but came in at 86.31 %.  Mash efficiency predicted 85 % but came in at 86.52 %.

I was down 1 point on the pre-boil SG and finished 3 points up on the post-boil SG so now the ABV will come in at 4.9 %.  Post boil volume was up by 1 L so that went into a Erlenmeyer flask for another small starter.


Premium Lager on the boil 06MAY2024.jpg

Edited by iBooz2
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On 5/5/2024 at 10:12 AM, RDT2 said:

Sorry mate missed this been busy at work yes i put my roasted barley in the duration of the mash!

@RDT2 , I am going to drop the roasted barley in late in the mash next time, say 15 mins to go, just to see if it takes away any of the slight astringency I taste in my version of Guinness where I mashed it for the full time.

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Brew day on Saturday was a double batch of Duvel. I made starters with a White Labs 570 and. Wyeast 1388. The inspiration for the recipe was a podcast and article by Jamil Zainasheff.

I would have split the batches by yeast but was running out of time (90 minute mash and 90 minute boil).

Any, it’s bubbling away in the fermentation fridge.

In his podcast he said that if the brew doesn’t completely ferment out to add some lager yeast made into a starter, hopefully won’t be necessary.

Also kegged up two cornies of COPA, and bottled some leftover Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.










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Espresso Martini inspired brew today.  The usual 22 litres of concentrated wort topped up with 8 litres of water in the fermenter to a 30 litre batch.  I missed the numbers a bit today because my brewhouse efficiency was a bit optimistic.  It will still come out a little over 5% ABV, 53 IBU.  I actually got slightly more pre-boil volume than anticipated.  So I boiled the wort for an extra 15 minutes to boil off about 0.5 litres before I added the first hop addition.  However, that only gained me a few gravity points.

  • 6.1kg Coopers Pale Malt
  • 460g Chocolate Malt
  • 300g Carafa Special II
  • 290g Lactose
  • 250g Acidulated Malt
  • 78g Cascade - 50 minute boild for 41 IBU
  • 61g Simcoe - 20 minute hopstand at 80°C for 8 IBU
  • 53g Cascade - 20 minute hopstand at 80°C for 4 IBU
  • 30g Bitter Orange Peel Powder
  • 250g Espresso Coffee added at packaging time
  • Made a small starter with US-05 yeast

Even as I was mashing-in you could smell the coffee notes from the grains - amaze-balls.


Look at that crema effect at the start of the mash.


Heating to mash-out, lovely dark wort.




Tunes playing while I sparged.  I like old-school stuff.


Look at that.  Black gold.


Transferring to my Keg King Fermenter King Juniors.



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Posted (edited)

Double batch of Bonzo Pils. The beer left an impression, so I decided to go for a double batch. It wasn’t until half way through that I wanted to make a double batch of Vienna Lager first. Oh well, I guess I’ll brew again tomorrow. 


In the end all went well…or so I thought. Once the boil was finished, I did a whirlpool, which turned out to be very efficient. I filled the cube and then disaster struck! I was talking to my father in law about getting some sort of drain in near the brewery to avoid the excessive mud build up when it rains. As I was not paying attention, I suddenly found several liters of fresh wort on the floor as the pump was happily doing its job, despite the cube being full. Unfortunately, the 2nd cube only got about 18l instead of the planned 21. 


Rather annoyed because I also had to get the sticky liquid out of the brewery. 

What do we learn from the mess? PAY ATTENTION! 

Even the playlist changed from some uplifting Death Metal to nasty p$))ed off Punk Rock 😀

Edited by Aussiekraut
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Double batch of Tim Taylor’s Landlord, it will be the third outing of the Kegmentor. I’ve run out of kegs so I’ll either have to get a couple more or drink like a sailor on shore leave to empty some up 🤔




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3 hours ago, Aussiekraut said:

What do we learn from the mess? PAY ATTENTION!

I’m with you on that AK. The other day when pressure transferring Guinness a couple of litres went spirting out of tge spunding valve whilst I was making toast. Doh!

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On 5/11/2024 at 11:32 PM, Shamus O'Sean said:

Espresso Martini inspired brew today. 

Interesting idea. How does the bitter orange go?

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10 minutes ago, ben 10 said:

Interesting idea. How does the bitter orange go?

Not drinking it yet.  The SG sample seemed a little Terrys Orange like.  The hop stand might also be helping with that effect.

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1.044 pre-boil, 1.050 post-boil. I added 1.6l of water to bring it down to 1.046.

A long enough day - 6 hours. I imagine I might shave an hour off for a single batch but TBH I’d rather go for a double.

I seem to have commandeered the cellar, it has not gone unnoticed 🤔






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Another brew day done and dusted, this time without hassle. This is the Vienna Lager I was going to make yesterday. Opted for a single batch though as I only have 7 cubes and 6 are full 😀


Heating up the mash water.


Mash out done and dusted. Now for the boil.


Bubbling away happily 👍


Nice dark wort going into the cube. It’ll be tasty 😀

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