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Haven't brewed for 6mths...deep clean?


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Thinking about getting the brew gear out for the first time in probably 6 months.

Gonna brew a simple Coopers Pale

Then the plan would be to brew a Cerveza base with some galaxy and mosaic (what i have in the freezer)

Just need to give everything a good clean.

Best process?

Ive got some sodium percab. Was thinking a soak overnight for the FV and bits and pieces. Should it need a bleach clean?

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Just now, RepSpec said:

Ive got some sodium percab. Was thinking a soak overnight for the FV and bits and pieces. Should it need a bleach clean?

A soak in sodium percarb should be sufficient. 

I presume it is only a bit dusty and not caked on with dirt etc.

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Welcome Back to Brewing. 

Trifecta as recommended, just rinse gear and soak with Sodium Percab should be enough to get the gear up and running again.

Like your initial brew selections.

Cerv & Galaxy is a fav combination. Have a look at the Aztec Warrior recipe in here somewhere, it is a cracker brew. Get it in your FV.

Cheers YB

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cheers guys

I slowed drinking late last year and dwindled down my HB due to getting slabs through work and beer club. Am only just getting finished with these now.

Yeah the FV were cleaned and stored inside, but are now in the car hole. Il give them a clean and get back into it.

Thanks for the suggestion Yeasty. Ive done a cerv with galaxy and moasic before and it was a great session ale (for memory)

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So put down the pale today...man I was all sort of out of whack.

Hadn't done a basic brew since I started. It's so easy, but I keep thinking I've done something wrong. Hasn't started yet which hoping is normal for the Cooper's yeast.

That's not bubbling away, that was when I put it in the fridge lol.

Sitting at 21c on the inkbird.

Fingers crossed


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So checked this twice over the weekend (looked done to me)

Stable over the 2 days after 7 days @21c. Tasted...well like beer...basic beer.

Gonna CC for the rest of the week(shouldnt need it, but might as well) and hopefully bottle Saturday!

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So got my bottles soaking overnight as well as a fv for bulk priming in.

I plan to brew tomorrow as well...

How long do I soak a fv for that has only been used for bulk priming? 

Or should it just need a quick wipe over and a starsan

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38 minutes ago, RepSpec said:

So got my bottles soaking overnight as well as a fv for bulk priming in.

I plan to brew tomorrow as well...

How long do I soak a fv for that has only been used for bulk priming? 

Or should it just need a quick wipe over and a starsan

If you cleaned it properly after its last use then it will just need a rinse to get rid of any dust etc. and sanitise with Starsan.

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1 hour ago, Hairy said:

If you cleaned it properly after its last use then it will just need a rinse to get rid of any dust etc. and sanitise with Starsan.

Sorry mate, I didn't explain myself...

I have 2 fvs that have been unused for 6+months.

1 is in use with the beer I want to bottle tomorrow.

The other will be used as a bulk prime fv (this is been cleaned at the moment)

I want to brew another brew tomorrow and will use the bulk prime fv (as it will be the cleanest).

So, should I soak the fv in my sod perc for a period of time, or just give it wipe and a starsan before putting the next one in, as it shouldn't have had too much contact with external influences.

The next brew will be basic as well

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On 4/24/2020 at 7:23 AM, RepSpec said:

Thinking about getting the brew gear out for the first time in probably 6 months.

Just bottled 2 brews yesterday after 1yr due to a house move, & I was all elbows & backtracking. Forgot to put the sediment thingy in the taps was all. Did notice one airlock just would not burp, thinking "Ah bugger. My first dirty ferment". Let it go for the week & was just going to chuck it. Then thought, check the SG for interest. It was around 1011 from 1038. So 'something' happened. On closer inspection found the lid had a crack in it from the move. Tasted/smelled OK. Bottled it up. So "Suck it & See"

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