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How to make a smoked porter?


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Hi guys. I am pretty new to brewing, but would really like to make a smoked porter using the Coopers Ruby Porter can. From what I've read, I can buy some smoked grain and use that to add some smokiness to the brew. But I'm not sure what to do with the grain once I buy it. Do I need to boil it for a certain amount of time, or do I just soak it in water? Also, how much is a good amount of grain to use?

Thanks for your help.

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4 hours ago, LoneJogger said:

Hi guys. I am pretty new to brewing, but would really like to make a smoked porter using the Coopers Ruby Porter can. From what I've read, I can buy some smoked grain and use that to add some smokiness to the brew. But I'm not sure what to do with the grain once I buy it. Do I need to boil it for a certain amount of time, or do I just soak it in water? Also, how much is a good amount of grain to use?

Thanks for your help.

I have done but not a kit version. Im afraid you need to experiment a little to get the smoke you want. If your LHBS stocks smoked malt i would get them to mill 100g for you to start. Bring some water upto around 68c. You wont need a lot of water, maybe a litre. Mash in the grain give it a good stir and try to maintain the temp between 65 and 68 for around 15 mins. Then do a short boil of 10 mins. If you dont have a grain bag filter the wort through fine sieve to leave the spent grain behind at the end of the boil. Add it to your fermenter and get the temparature down to somewhere between 18 and 22. If you dont have temperature control, get the wort down to 15c for pitch of yeast and it will take care of its self. However try to keep fv somewhere in the region of 18 to 22.

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