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bit flat after 3 weeks in bottle


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put 5L hot water in ferm and mex cerveza & enhancer 2 &15L cold water take temp and add 2L cold &1 hot. temp at 25deg add yeast & seal for 7 days temp stays at 27 deg throughout.

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to get a bottle too gas up, you need too keep it above 18 degrees after bottling ( and i assumed you adeed carbonation drops or the right amount of sugar too each bottle?).

it seems you fermented the beer fine..... tell us what you did step by step as you bottled it???????

how did you prime the bottles?

what temp are they stored at?

does the beer smell n taste ok?

and someone will help ya out mate!


your situation is very fixable!!!




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[lol] I love it Matt - You should change your sig to "WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T TIP IT OUT!"


Roy, like the Thirsty one said what temp have you been stoiring the bottles at? I tend to keep mine in the living room where it is a bit warmer for a couple of weeks at this time of year until they reach carbonation.

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Roy, the recipe you describe is not the cause of the brew being flat in the bottle. Althoug it will be diluted in colour, bitterness and alcohol.


The main factors that determine the fizz:

amount of sugar added per bottle,

amount of active yeast in suspension and

temperature of the bottles during secondary fermentation.


If your brews are flat, pehaps you should try warming a few bottles, shake to suspend the yeast and then taste them again in about 2 weeks.

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