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None/Low alcoholic home brew lager tips?


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Guys just wondering If Its posible to brew lager at very low % alcohol? Rather than using 500g-1000g of sugar & getting 3-5% alcohol content, My friend wonders if he is to brew the lager like he does his Coopers home brew ginger beer (3-4 hours withour sugar then bottling) would this result in a low alcohol lager? If not do you have any tips on how he can achieve a very low alcohol content in his lager home brew? Cheers in advance!! :)

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On the Coopers FAQ it says that brewing the concentrate without a sugar addition will yield approx 2.9% ABV.


Hope this helps!


Cheers man!! So this is as low as we can get it? I express Its for a friend!! [lol] I like my beer 4-5% :)


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From a pure alcohol to volume ratio, my high school chemistry taught me that if you increase the volume you decrease the percentage of alcohol.


I'm a giant noob so I couldn't really speculate re: taste.


lol You may have a point there.


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I wouldn't think so Paul- there are fermentables already in the brew mix so if you were to bottle in 3 hours I would suspect bottles bombs would be the order of the day.


Your friend would be better off brewing a low alcohol beer to full fermentation in my opinion.

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